from the poetry book ‘Images of Life’
I wrote this poem for all those that grieve over the loss of a loved one, especially a mother or father. The poem was dedicated to the mother of his first wife, who proceeded her in death and my goal to help her accept the loss. My message is that Loss is part of the continuum of life.
Acceptance of Loss A Poem by E.T. Milligan
A message for the bereaved
Often, there seems no reason for death.
Nor is there a simple way to bring joy back into one’s heart after the loss of a loved one.
But there is always shared sympathy of one’s loss.
It is not our purpose to understand God’s will and how it is manifested.
Yet, we must take comfort that the kingdom of heaven comprises many souls that pass through this early, on course to their final destination.
As the physical body inevitable returns to its beginning, so will the soul be with you forever. It will compass the heart and soul with fond memories, if permitted.
Hold onto the good memories, but do not flee from emotions of sorrow and despair.
God’s mercy will relieve the pain in time and you will gain strength and understanding. Acceptance is inevitable for the faithful.
Continue to seek patience and faith. For those attributes will set a pathway towards resilience and recovery.
Until then, the spirit of your loved one waits in peace and fulfillment in the presence of the Almighty.
Your renewal of hope and happiness will come in faith and prayer.
Copyright © Edward T. Milligan, 2005
All rights reserved.
Sharing my poetry with you is a joy, and I hope you enjoyed this one. If it spoke to you, I have another poem, I'll Never Die, that I think you'll appreciate. Let's continue this journey through words and emotions together. Your feedback truly matters to me, so don't hesitate to leave a comment below.